Dear Diary,

July 19, 1966 Dear Diary, Today I had a pretty good day. We got up late as usual and had “BRUNCH” (Breakfast – Lunch). Then we went to the beach. We didn’t go in, it was too windy. We saw small jelly fish in the water. Laura collected shells from the beach. Richard next door found a dead baby horseshoe crab. He brought it home with him. We had a bar-be-cue outside. All the kids ate cooked marsemallows- Jim, Lisa, Chris, Jayne, Laura, Little Meliza and myself. We h ad fun playing games afterward. It’s raining and tundering and maybe lightning. P.S. Daddy sent a special delivery with 10 dollars and a letter. He says take good care of Jayne. He also says Minnie, the cat misses us.

This was written in my first diary given to me by maternal grandmother, Theodora Seale Davis. I was 11 in 1966. I still prefer Brunch, my late sister, Laura collected shells her entire life and my sister, Jayne is still the youngest. I left in a few spelling errors but I fixed to- too, colect – collect and took out too many parenthesizes.

Get out your old diaries and read a few entries and see what is still the same and list them like I did. If you don’t have a diary make up an entry for a summer when you were 10 or 11. Read it to somebody, enjoy and reminisce.